Friday, January 14, 2011

Horrible, not so good blogger.

I guess I'm not so good at this whole blog thing. I warned you before that I'm crazy busy, and may be a little bit too lazy to keep up with my blog.

I'm not sure if there is even anyone out there that reads my blog or if they did they probably don't now.

News Since I've Been Gone:
  • The "Little guy" turned 3
  • I have stopped my Weight Watcher membership (see below for why)
  • I'm out for the 2011 Softball Season
  • Christmas was a success; Trent loved it so much he wanted to do Christmas all over again for a week afterwards.
  • THE BIG NEW::::We are having another baby!! I'm due July 25, 2011

Sorry to have left you hanging for so long. Maybe, I should make my new year's resolution to find more time for this blog. I guess we will have to wait and see.