Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Alive!!!

Told you I have a crazy busy life! I just finished what feels like one of the longest weeks ever. I had a big project that was moving into the testing phase. I have pulled out many hairs and lost many hours of sleep over this project.

In other news we took our family trip to Vana's Pumpkin Land to pick out our pumpkins. Maybe, I will find some time to post those pictures. Saturday is the Annual Cox Halloween Party. I have picked out my costume and just need to finish putting it all together. Again, I will do my best to post pictures later.

I learned this week that kettle bells are a great work out! I took just one class and lasted two circuits. I have been sore for two days now. Not sure if it was a good idea to go to yoga class the day after but my yoga instructor thought it may help to get all stretched out. I felt wonderful after yoga but today found it very difficult to climb stairs.

The little guy has started using the potty "like big boy's do". He is not fully potty trained yet but he is a work in progress. Wish is luck!

That is all for today!

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