Thursday, October 21, 2010

No Excuses

I figured I may as well post before the weigh in this week. Its BAD!

Not good at all!

As in I probably gained everything I lost in the last two weeks in one week kinda bad!

I could come up with a thousand and one excuses as to why I gained this week (I just started kettlebell class, last weekends halloween party, my friend "flo" is visiting, etc.). The truth is that I just need to stop eating. I don't mean starve myself. I LOVE food way too much to actually go through with that. What I really mean is the killer snacking that I do late at night. You know that time between dinner and bed where you sit and watch TV. Yes, I do have time between kettlebell class, running, and yoga to still sit on the couch and watch TV.

Snacking has been a problem for me for as long as I can remember. I could probably snack all day, like I did Saturday of the halloween party, and not think twice about it. I should probably invest some time and energy into planning out better snacks so when the snack monster stops in I can enjoy them.

I haven't really tracked anything I ate since the halloween party. I really need to get this tracking thing down so that I can lose the weight and maybe see some positive things come from my workouts.

* * * *DING DING DING* * * *

You mean actually follow program? Yep that whole tracking thing!

I hope to report next week a week with less tracking!

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