Friday, January 14, 2011

Horrible, not so good blogger.

I guess I'm not so good at this whole blog thing. I warned you before that I'm crazy busy, and may be a little bit too lazy to keep up with my blog.

I'm not sure if there is even anyone out there that reads my blog or if they did they probably don't now.

News Since I've Been Gone:
  • The "Little guy" turned 3
  • I have stopped my Weight Watcher membership (see below for why)
  • I'm out for the 2011 Softball Season
  • Christmas was a success; Trent loved it so much he wanted to do Christmas all over again for a week afterwards.
  • THE BIG NEW::::We are having another baby!! I'm due July 25, 2011

Sorry to have left you hanging for so long. Maybe, I should make my new year's resolution to find more time for this blog. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Double Downward Dog

For those of you that don't know I attend a yoga class in my little town every Wednesday night. I am in love with yoga! I always leave class stretched out and so relaxed. It's kinda like my own little me time, even though there are other people in my class.

Anyways, this week we did a double downward dog. If you aren't familiar with downward dog here it is...

What is a double downward dog you ask?

Yes! We did actually do this in class. It was kinda fun now that I look back and get over how nervous/worried I was about hurting my partner.

I can't believe the difference yoga has made in my flexibility and strength since I had starting going. It truely is amazing.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

No Excuses

I figured I may as well post before the weigh in this week. Its BAD!

Not good at all!

As in I probably gained everything I lost in the last two weeks in one week kinda bad!

I could come up with a thousand and one excuses as to why I gained this week (I just started kettlebell class, last weekends halloween party, my friend "flo" is visiting, etc.). The truth is that I just need to stop eating. I don't mean starve myself. I LOVE food way too much to actually go through with that. What I really mean is the killer snacking that I do late at night. You know that time between dinner and bed where you sit and watch TV. Yes, I do have time between kettlebell class, running, and yoga to still sit on the couch and watch TV.

Snacking has been a problem for me for as long as I can remember. I could probably snack all day, like I did Saturday of the halloween party, and not think twice about it. I should probably invest some time and energy into planning out better snacks so when the snack monster stops in I can enjoy them.

I haven't really tracked anything I ate since the halloween party. I really need to get this tracking thing down so that I can lose the weight and maybe see some positive things come from my workouts.

* * * *DING DING DING* * * *

You mean actually follow program? Yep that whole tracking thing!

I hope to report next week a week with less tracking!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Alive!!!

Told you I have a crazy busy life! I just finished what feels like one of the longest weeks ever. I had a big project that was moving into the testing phase. I have pulled out many hairs and lost many hours of sleep over this project.

In other news we took our family trip to Vana's Pumpkin Land to pick out our pumpkins. Maybe, I will find some time to post those pictures. Saturday is the Annual Cox Halloween Party. I have picked out my costume and just need to finish putting it all together. Again, I will do my best to post pictures later.

I learned this week that kettle bells are a great work out! I took just one class and lasted two circuits. I have been sore for two days now. Not sure if it was a good idea to go to yoga class the day after but my yoga instructor thought it may help to get all stretched out. I felt wonderful after yoga but today found it very difficult to climb stairs.

The little guy has started using the potty "like big boy's do". He is not fully potty trained yet but he is a work in progress. Wish is luck!

That is all for today!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nap No More

Our lovely son maybe about to get rid of his nap time. I'm not sure at which age kids no longer need their midday nap. He has been pushing his naps back later than usual. Usually his naps run for two hours at a time but he is now trying to take that nap after 3:00 PM.

Not good for mom and dad! He takes the late nap and doesn't want to sleep until 11:00 PM and sometimes as late as 1:00 AM. UGH! I can't stay up that late, I roll outta bed at 4:30 AM! With the help of my sister and mom we have been trying to get him to take naps earlier but if he doesn't get on before 2:30 PM he doesn't get one.

Does this work? Well, he didn't nap yesterday and was in bed by 8:00 PM. This kid slept in his bed (another issue in itself) all night and didn't wake up until 8:50 AM. Today there was no nap (unless he decides to wake up in the next hour or so) but he fell asleep at 6:00 PM. I'm praying that he doesn't wake up at 8:00 PM! Please sleep little guy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fun Slide September

Last weekend was our towns yearly festival, Harvest Days 2010. Thursday we had decided to take Trent to the carnival. This is the first year that he is big enough to actually be able to ride some of the kiddie rides. He was so excited all week and talked about how he couldn't wait to ride "all the cool rides!" Especially the cars on the merry-go-round, the blue car to be exact.

We had to pre-purchase a ticket for his wristband at the bank so that we didn't have to stand in the ridiculously long line. We dropped our guess as to how much was in the piggy bank and headed out the door. Thursday night when we arrived the first ride of choice was of course the cars. However, once we got to the line with the cars he insisted that we watch first. BIG mistake! He would NOT get on the cars. I told him about the little girl from his daycare was in line and she was not nearly as big as him. I was not successful at getting them on the cars.

Next ride of choice, and maybe I should mention that it was the ONLY ride of choice, was the fun slide. He absolutely loved the fun slide.

Tiger got a lot of exercise going up and down those stairs. I did go up there once! It is hard for me to carry our big boy up that narrow stairway.

Next year we hope to graduate to the cars! Overall it was a great weekend and really enjoyed it.