Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Family Decision

About a month or so ago Tiger and I had made a big decision to add to our family. I called the doctor for a checkup and to get things rolling in the right direction. I go in on Thursday to have an outpatient procedure done so that we can make that decision come to life.

Tiger is overly excited! I on the other hand seem to be very calm and not excited at all. I'm wondering if my excitement will come later, as in when I take that little test and see that plus sign indicating that we have indeed created life. Could it be that I have plans for the week of September 13-19th? I want to run a 5K and if there is in fact a softball tournament I want to play! I know that I can run a 5K while expecting but I can't do any high impact sports.

I remember being pregnant with our "little guy" and recall having a good pregnancy. I ate anything I wanted, took plenty of naps, and had no morning sickness. I also recall the heartburn, water retention, and being as big as a house. I'm serious about the "big as a house" part, my "little guy" weighed in at 10 lbs. 6 oz. when he was born!

My hopes for my next pregnancy (I know I'm dreamin')

  • No water retention

  • No heartburn

  • No morning sickness

  • I only have one in there

  • It is as smart as the "little guy"

  • It is as well behaved as the "little guy"

  • I don't give birth to a toddler sized baby (The Princess always teased me about having a toddler during my first pregnancy.) 

  • I secretly would love another boy. I wanted a girl my first time but ended up with a boy and couldn't be happier with him.
 All kidding aside I know that I will be perfectly happy even if my hopes are just me dreamin!

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