Friday, August 6, 2010

Relay For Life & Thursday Weigh In

I found a quick minute today to post!

Today is our county's Relay For Life. I am a captain of the Friendly Soles team and we have 10 members this year. That is way better than the four that we had last year. This year has been pretty decent with a few members not really pulling their own weight at the fundraisers, but overall not bad.

I'm in charge of getting our campsite setup this afternoon since the rest of my team is busy. The relay is set to start at noon but about half my team is not able to come and the other half is working. The half that can attend should arrive by 5:00 pm. My sister, who shall be known as Monkey, is going to help me out today even though she isn't on my team. What a great sister!

Yesterday I attended my weekly Weight Watcher meeting. I weighed in 3 pounds lighter this week! That is such a great thing. To give you a little background I'll tell you my story. I have been overweight for as long as I could remember until I walked into my first weight watcher meeting back in 2004. I had followed the plan with my college roommate before that and was successful. However, after I graduated college I started to see some of that weight creep back on. So, I joined Weight Watchers. I lost about 30-35 lbs before I became pregnant in 2007. I put a lot of weight back on during my pregnancy but as soon as I was allowed I went back to Weight Watchers. I do believe that I hit my goal weight in 2009 and became a lifetime member.

Today I'm sorry to say that I am not at my goal weight. I have about 10 pounds to get rid of to get back there. Problem with this is that I struggled with that last 10 pounds before I hit goal and it looks like I'm going to do it again. I have been struggling with this last 10 pounds for close to a year. I know the program works but I think my problem is that I'm comfortable with myself so I 'kinda sorta follow the plan so it kinda sorta works.'

I may give you weekly updates of my weight loss journey. Hope you don't mind.

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