Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday Weigh In

Weight Loss: -0.4

Ok, so it isn't a pound but like I said before all those little weight losses add up to pounds.

Do you remember my challenge for the week? Do you think I did it?

Of course not! I have the hardest time tracking, I couldn't even do five days. My leader challenged our entire group to track for three days. I have no trouble tracking while I'm at work but once I leave I quit. Maybe it is because when I get home I'm hungry and open that big bag of pretzels and munch until dinner is done. Maybe I'm afraid to find out how many points I really am eating. MAYBE if I actually tracked I would lose a whole pound.

Alright, Mrs. M, I accept your challenge! I'm gonna give it my best shot!

I'll let you know how it goes.

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